
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Spectacular Spider-Man #27

Spectacular Spider-Man #27

The Blind Leading the Blind

Daredevil tries to help Spider-Man cope and be able to get by with his newfound blindness. However, Spider-Man finds the effort useless and laments over his situation. Daredevil comes up with an idea and sets up an appointment with Dr. Orlock, an eye specialist to see Spider-Man and see if there is any way to restore the wall-crawlers vision. Meanwhile, Mary Jane and Betty have a talk about their feelings about Peter, and decide to be friends through the situation. After the two women leave Mrs. Muggins goes back inside and hears a racket from within Peter Parker's apartment. Going inside she finds that someone has trashed the place and written "The Dead Walk Parker" on the wall. As Mrs. Muggins screams in fear, outside Carrion anticipates Peter Parker's return and that he will be waiting for him.

At that moment, Spider-Man and Daredevil arrive at Doctor Orlock's office for the examination. When the visit with the doctor proves inconclusive on if they can cure Spider-Man, this upsets the hero even more because of his concern of the Masked Marauder still being at large. To try and boost Spider-Man's moral, Daredevil offers to help Spider-Man to try and find the Masked Marauder. Using his spider-sense, Spider-Man is able to locate the Marauder thanks to the spider-tracer he was tagged with. The two heroes attack the Masked Marauder and his Maggia goons, however, during the fight the Tri-Man turns back into the Birdroid knocks Spider-Man out of the building they are fighting in, and sending him plummeting to the street below.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Man, Daredevil, Maggia (Masked Marauder), Mary Jane Watson, Betty Brant, Carrion, Mamie Muggins

Continuity Notes

  • Daredevil recounts his origins as they were originally told in Daredevil #1.

  • The depiction of Ed Koch as the mayor of New York City should be considered a topical reference per the Sliding Timescale of Earth-616.

Spectacular Spider-Man #26

Spectacular Spider-Man #26

Spectacular Spider-Man #28

Spectacular Spider-Man #28