
Nick Peron

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Thor (vol. 2) #19

Thor (vol. 2) #19

Deviant Life

In a dimensional gulf beyond time and space, the Enchanters have just fed their enemies Thor and Odin to a massive worm-like creature. Soon, its stomach acids will digest the two Asgardians, and vengeance for Forsung will be complete.[1]

However, Enrakt, Brona, and Magnir are celebrating a bit too early since Thor and Odin — although trapped — are still alive. Inside the belly of the beast, they have to fight off swarms of smaller worms that live in the monster’s stomach. The two try to use their power to blast their way out of the creature’s stomach, but thanks to the Enchanter’s combined magics, the worm’s stomach is impervious to harm. Trapped as they are its only a matter of time before the powerful acids start breaking them down.

That’s when the Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) appears before them. Since it was her magics that brought Thor and Odin to the Enchanter’s domain, it was simplicity for her to follow them. While Thor is grateful, Odin doesn’t think he needs a mortal to save them. However, Wanda has been protecting them from the acid with her powers, earning Odin’s trust. When Wanda asks how they came to be in this situation, Odin explains that the Enchanters are seeking revenge for an earlier defeat. Thor suddenly remembers when it was when this revenge scene first began. It was when Thor was lost in another dimension and helped by a woman named Ceranda, a woman he grew to care for. It was here that Enrakt possessed Mjolnir, Thor’s hammer.[2] This gives Wanda some idea how they can defeat the Enchanters and she prepares to get them free.

Meanwhile, Loki has traveled to the domain of Mephisto, the Lord of Lies. He asks the demon for access to a mortal soul imprisoned in his domain. When the trickster explains that this will help him eliminate Thor, Mephisto agrees to allow Loki his audience. Loki is then directed to the location of the soul that he seeks, that of the mortal Jake Olson.[3]

Back in the Enchanter’s domain, the trio of wizards believe that enough time has passed for their foes to be digested. However, a hex bolt blows open the monster’s stomach, freeing Thor, Odin and the Scarlet Witch. As the Enchanters charge into battle, Wanda casts another hex that separates all six combatants to other dimensions. In one, the Scarlet Witch faces off against Magnir, while Odin battles with Brona, and in yet another location Thor faces Enrakt. In the case of the latter fight, Enrakt reveals that he can still command Mjolnir, and makes it fly out of Thor’s hands and into his own.

At first, it appears that Magnir has the upper hand against the Scarlet Witch. However, she only allowed him to think he was overpowering her while she was casting a hex to defeat him. When the spell is complete, she points out the fact that Magnir is starting to sink into ground. Soon, the Enchanter finds himself imprisoned in solid rock. While Odin overpowers Brona with brute force. He manages to rip off the sorcerer’s Living Talisman and crush it in his bare hands. While Thor was only playing possum. In reality, his enchanted hammer was freed from Enrakt’s control thanks to the Scarlet Witch’s magics. Jolting Enrakt with lightning, Thor summons Mjolnir back into his good right hand. He then begins pummeling his foe until the Scarlet Witch and Odin plead with him to spare Enrakt’s life.When Thor demands to know why, Wanda tells him to remove Enrakt’s helmet. When he does, he is shocked to discover that his foe has taken possession of Ceranda’s body.[3]

Back on Earth, Doctor Jane Foster is checking in on Detective Brady O’Neil with his partner Demitrius Collins. After Brady’s life was saved by Jake Olson, Jane tries to convince them that Jake couldn’t be the one stealing drugs from the hospital and selling them on the street. The two cops are pretty much convinced at this point. However, when Jane and Demitrius leave Brady so he can rest, Jake Olson steps out of the shadows and begins smothering O’Neil with a pillow.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Odin, Scarlet Witch, Enchanters (Enrakt/Ceranda, Brona, Magnir), Mephisto, Loki, Jake Olson, Jane Foster, Demitrius Collins, Brady O’Neil

Continuity Notes

  1. The Enchanters are trying to avenge their last defeat at the hands of Thor, which included the death of their brother, Forsung. See Thor #143-145.

  2. Following the events of Heroes Reborn: The Return #1-4, Thor found himself briefly stranded in another dimension where he met Ceranda, as shown in Thor Annual 1999. How Enrakt took possession of Thor’s hammer was detailed last issue.

  3. Jake Olson was an ambulance driver who was killed during an attack by the Destroyer on Earth. Thor pleaded with Odin to save his life and seemingly bonded the two together, as seen in Thor (vol. 2) #1. Thor has been trying to balance his life with that of Jake Olson ever since. As we have learned over the last 18 issues is that Olson was stealing drugs from the hospital and selling them on the streets, something that has complicated Thor’s masquerade.

  4. How Enract took possession of Ceranda’s body is explained next issue.

Back: Thor in the 1990s

Thor in the 2000s: Myths Made More Accurate

Thor in the 2000s: Myths Made More Accurate

Thor (vol. 2) #20

Thor (vol. 2) #20