
Nick Peron

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Thor (vol. 2) #29

Thor (vol. 2) #29

Whence Comes Death

In Hel, the Asgardian netherworld, the prophetess known as Volla directs Hela to look upon Midgard. They see the aftermath of one of Thor’s recent battles, which has ended with Hogun of the Warriors Three clinging to life. Hela instantly transports herself to Earth to try and claim Hogun’s soul. However, Thor refuses to surrender his friend’s soul. Thor then begins using his medial knowledge to try and restart Hogun’s heart. Without equipment, the thunder god instead summons a powerful storm and uses a bolt of lightning to jump start Hogun’s heart. He succeeds, prompting Hela to depart, but she promises Thor that he is only delaying the inevitable.

That’s when an ambulance arrives on the scene. It is driven by Christine Collins, Thor’s partner when he operates as the mortal EMT known as Jake Olson.[1] She is surprised to meet Asgardian gods. Thor orders the Fandral and Volstagg to help Christine carry Hogun into the ambulance and rider back to the hospital. When they ask about the Wrecking Crew, Thor assures his friends that he’ll handle them. Once Hogun is loaded into the ambulance and it is on its way, Christine begins to wonder how Thor knew her by name since they have never met before.

Meanwhile, in the realm of Svartalfheim, the troll known as Jagrfelm gloats over the Cask of Ancient Winters, which she had tricked Odin into re-energizing.[2] However, before she can open it and use its power, her home is swarmed by an army of Dark Elves. She is mortally wounded by her attackers and the Cask is reclaimed by the one who has used the mystical artifact in the past: Malekith the Dark Elf. With the Cask of Ancient Winters in his hands, he vows to rule the Nine Worlds.[3]

While at Memorial Hospital, Doctor Jane Foster takes a break with her co-worker Hannah Fairmont. She tells Hannah how her husband — Keith Kincaid — is still in a coma after being attacked by the Absorbing Man and how nobody knows if he will ever wake up.[4] However, thoughts of her husband are quickly forgotten when Christine arrives with the Warriors Three. Having had experience with Asgardians in the past, Jane Foster takes control of the situation and begins treating Hogun’s wounds. She promises Fandral and Volstagg that she will try her best, but she is honest with them, saying that Hogun would likely have a better chance being treated in Asgard.

At that very moment, Sif sits by Odin’s bedside as the All-Father continues the Odinsleep to replenish his power.[5] She hope that he will awaken soon as she feels the weight of leadership since Odin put her in charge before going into his slumber. He private council with the sleeping Odin is interrupted with Balder who tells his friend that there is urgent business happening on Midgard. She goes to the Flame of Truth to see what transpires on the mortal world and sees how Jane Foster struggles to treat Hogun’s wounds. She orders Balder to summon the healer known as Neffethesk and ask him to prepare elixers to heal the fallen warrior.

Back on Earth, the Wrecking Crew have taken over an upstate mansion to celebrate the return of their Asgardian born might.[6] While they are busy partying, they don’t notice that Thor has arrived and has pulled all the serving staff out of harms way. The thunder god then ambushes the Wrecking Crew and beats them all into submission in order to avenge his friend. With the Wrecker and his gang defeated, Thor is then mystically contacted by Sif, who tells her beloved that she is sending Neffethesk from Asgard to help heal Hogun. Thor then heads off to be by his friend’s side until Neffethesk arrives.

At the hospital, Jane Foster has done all she could to help Hogun and tells Fandral and Hogun that all they can do now is wait to see if he pulls through. As they wait, the specter of Hela looms over Hogun waiting for the moment to swipe his soul.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg), Hela, Volla, Maleketh, Wrecking Crew (Wrecker, Bulldozer, Piledriver, Thunderball), Sif, Odin, Balder, Neffethesk, “Christine Collins”, Jane Foster, Hannah Fairmont, Jagrfelm

Continuity Notes

  1. As revealed in Thor (vol. 2) #36, Christine Collins is merely a disguise worn by the Enchantress.

  2. Odin was tricked into re-powering the Cask in Thor (vol. 2) #24.

  3. If you’re unfamiliar with what happened the last time Malekith got his mits on the Cask of Ancient Winters, do yourself a favor and read Thor #341-353.

  4. Keith was seriously injured by the Absorbing Man in Thor (vol. 2) #26. He’ll wake up from this coma in issue #35, but not in the usual way, as we’ll discover.

  5. Odin entered the Odinsleep in Thor (vol. 2) #26 and will remain in this state until issue #35.

  6. The Wrecking Crew lost their Asgardian powers in Journey into Mystery #505. They recovered them last issue by draining power from Thor and the Warriors Three, leading to Hogun’s injuries.

Thor (vol. 2) #28

Thor (vol. 2) #28

Thor (vol. 2) #30

Thor (vol. 2) #30