
Nick Peron

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Thor (vol. 2) #75

Thor (vol. 2) #75

Gods and Men, Part 1: Realization

Earth, the year 2170, Sif stands on a frozen mountain top and thinks about the glory days of Asgard, when Odin was still alive and all was well.[1] She thinks how everything has changed and how she allowed things to go so far astray. She is joined by Magni, the son of Thor and the Enchantress, who had just put the lobotomized Jordhal to bed.[2] Sif suggests that Magni petition his father to restore her mind. Magni doesn’t think it’ll work, saying that she thinks of his father as he once was, not how he is today. Lord Thor would not tolerate his son fraternizing with a mortal girl, anymore than he would approve of him spending time with the exiled Sif.

Still despite all of this, Sif believes that Magni could soften his father’s hard edge. She says that despite the differences she has had with his father and mother, she was always fond of Magni and is proud of the man he has become. She loves his carefree spirit which is so much like his father when he was a younger man. Thinking back on how human Thor once was makes her openly laugh with joy. Magni finds this hard to believe, and Sif understands, as much had changed over the years and some of it was Thor’s own doing.

She tells her of that day over 100 years earlier following the destruction of Asgard and New York City. Thor and the others had surveyed the destruction and the loss of life — both human and Asgardian — and Sif suggested that they leave Earth forever. However, Thor refused to leave. There were still many that wanted their aid and if they were to leave now, it would merely allow those who attacked them to win. However, Sif said that the humans will never fully accept them. She asks the others to look around and ask themselves how all this is good. Both Loki and the Enchantress disagreed with her that day, calling her questioning nothing short of heresy. When Sif refused to allow this to continue, the others demanded that Thor punish her for speaking out of turn. Thor did exactly that, but rather than torture or death, Thor exiled her from her people for all time.

Despite this, Sif would sneak into New Asgard from time to time and leave young Magni gifts. She explained that she did so as his mother would often become distracted and Sif wanted him to know that other people cared about him. Magni is grateful for all she has done for him and he admits that he now agrees with her position but doesn’t know what he can do. Sif suggests trying to reason with his father, but Magni doesn’t believe Thor would be flexible enough to relinquish his rule over Midgard. Hearing all of this reminds Sif of all the times that Thor clashed with Odin. Sif doesn’t think Thor has forgotten those days, he just needs to be reminded of them. She tells Magni that he is more than just the god of physical strength, but also the strength of character. He knows what they are doing is wrong and that they should return to Asgard. To Magni, revolting against his father seems unthinkable and he doesn’t know what he can do about this situation. Sif tells him to think of his grandfather and who his face once was and act accordingly. Thinking to himself for a moment, Magni tells Sif to look after Jordhal, and that he is heading back to New Asgard.

Magni heads back in tending to speak with Thialfi, the only other person he can trust with his thoughts. However, when he arrives, Hogun informs him how Loki has ordered all members of the royal family are now required to have a security detail because someone tried to kill Lord Thor. Rushing inside, Magni finds his mother and Loki in the throne room. There he learns how Thialfi was the one who tried to kill his father, who is safely in the Odinsleep to replenish his power. Loki finds it curious that Thialfi was the would be assassin. Magni denies knowing anything about this and learns that humans attacked the palace as well. Loki has decided that they are to be executed for their crimes and will be publicly hanged. Magni believes this to be wrong as they do not murder people. However, as head of security, Loki insisted that this needs to be done for the severity of the crime, and assures Magni that the mortals had a fair trial.

Magni goes out into the court yard where a gallows has been erected. Among those humans being executed is the mutant sorceress known as Kya. Seeing Magni in the crowd she uses her magic powers to communicate with him telepathically. He tells him not to intervene, what happens will happen. As she is hung, Kya’s astral form leaves her physical body. She tells Magni that he needs to stop his father and help liberate humanity. To do so, he will need a powerful weapon. Kya’s spirit form then leads Magni to the underground cavern where Mjolnir has rested since Thor lost his worthiness. When he bends down to pick up the enchanted weapon, Magni is delighted to see that he can lift Mjolnir and holds it high into the air. Kya is pleased as well as Magni will now have the power to take down a tyrant.

Meanwhile, in the furthest reaches of space, the body of Desak senses Mjolnir being lifted and he suddenly awakens from his long slumber.[3]

Recurring Characters

Thor, Magni, Balder, Enchantress, Hogun, Loki, Desak, Porjyst, Kya, Jake Olsen (corpse)

Continuity Notes

  1. From the “Shit You Need to Know Off the Top Dept.”:

    • The events of this story take place in a possible future that now exists in another reality. Per Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #2, it has been desigated as Reality-3515. It was to be the future of Reality-616 until a divergence in Thor (vol. 2) #79 changed the course of history. Its history matches that of Earth-616 until the point of divergence.

    • Odin was killed in battle with Surtur in Thor (vol. 2) #40, leaving Thor to rule the kingdom in his absence.

    • Thor took over the world in the present day after Asgard was destroyed, as seen in Thor (vol. 2) #67.

  2. Jordhal was a mortal who helped Thialfi when he arrived in this era in Thor (vol. 2) #69. When Loki sought to punish her, Magni helped her flee the castle in the following issue. Loki later caught up with Jordhal in issue #72 and had her taken to a re-education camp. Magni learned her fate and rescued her last issue, but the incomplete process left her a catatonic husk.

  3. Desak was seemingly killed by Thor back in Thor (vol. 2) #49.

Topical References

  • This story is stated as taking place in the year 2170, given how far away this date is from the present day, it could be considered factual. The only topical aspect of this future timeline is in measuring the length of time between the present day of the Marvel Universe and this future. As the Sliding Timescale moves forward, the gulf of time will shrink. Modern readers should consider all such measurements being relative to the date of publication.

Thor (vol. 2) #74

Thor (vol. 2) #74

Thor (vol. 2) #76

Thor (vol. 2) #76