
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Young Allies Comics #9

Young Allies Comics #9

The Blood Henchman

The Young Allies are assisting the ground crews at an Allied airfield in North Africa. When a fighter pilot returns from a mission he asks the boys to conduct repairs and repaint the plane. As they get to work, Toro decides to play around with the controls when he accidentally turns on the engine and causes the plane to take off. With Whitewash Jones and Tubby Tinkle still outside repainting the wings, the rest of the Young Allies struggle to pull them on board. To make matters worse, the ground crew notices that the bomb bay doors have malfunctioned and bombs are hanging out of the bottom of the plane, if they try and land the bombs will explode. Luckily, the manage to reach Bucky on the radio and manage to warn him of the danger. They are then instructed to fly the malfunctioning plane out to sea and send it to crash while parachuting out so they can be rescued by boat.

However, once they are out at sea, Knuckles convinces the others that the bombs are going to go to waste and suggest that they fly up to the coast of Italy and bomb the battleships there, suggesting that if they come back from a successful bomb with the plane intact they will be hailed as heroes. The rest of the group love this idea and they begin getting to work. In order to sneak past Italian forces by having Toro and Whitewash repaint the markings on the plane to look like an Italian fighter plane. When they arrive on the coast of Greece, they try to bomb the battleships but miss. Instead, the bombs strike and annihilate a number of munitions factories. The Italian army scrambles and the plane takes a direct hit and begins falling out of the sky.

Bucky, Tubby, and Knuckles bail out in parachutes and they just happen to land on the rooftop where Italian dictator Benito Mussolini is sunbathing. Although the Italian leader is humiliated when Tubby lands on him and he gets tangled in the parachute, the three Young Allies are forced to flee inside when his guards begins outnumbering them. As they try to find a place to hide they happen upon a secret passageway and duck inside in the hopes that the Italians don’t know what about it. Luckily, their gamble pays off and Mussolini and his minions can’t find where the boys have disappeared to.

Moments earlier, aboard the plane, Jeff Vandergill tries to crashland. Miraculously, he manages to crash land without anyone getting hurt. Jeff, Toro, and Whitewash emerge from the wreckage just as a Nazi car pulls up. Toro tricks them into thinking they are Hitler Youth on a special mission. When their guard is down, Toro grabs a gun and holds them hostage, demanding that the Nazi commander take them to Benito Mussolini’s palace. As they make their way there, Benito tells his men to take more money from the banks and stash it in Turkey despite the fact that the neither the Nazis, nor the Italian people, will be happy that he is playing down the middle. As he and his men resume their search for the three Americans loose in his home, Bucky and the others emerge from the secret tunnel and come upon Mussolini’s book that details his embezzlement scheme. Soon, Toro and the others arrive their their Nazi prisoners and their ruse is quickly exposed. Before the Italian and Nazi soldiers can capture them, Bucky and the rest of the team come smashing out of their hiding place to help their friends. Unfortunately, the Young Allies are quickly overpowered and taken prisoner. Although they are being taken to a concentration camp, Bucky privately warns Benito that if he doesn’t treat them well he will reveals his “little black book” to the whole country. Not wanting his secret plans exposed the cowardly dictator agrees.

The Young Allies then use this position to have proper food being provided to those trapped inside the camp. However, after a few weeks of giving in to the demands of the youth and decides to do something about it. Benito sends a message to Bucky offering to let the boys leave unimpeded back in their plane. However, Bucky and the others see right through this trap and begin working with the prisoners on making a break-out attempt. Since the camp is surrounded with an electrified fence, Jeff has everyone gather enough metal objects for him to fashion a crude chain. Tossing it on the two sections of electric fence, he causes a short circuit. This allows them to make their escape. In addition to this, Toro uses his flame powers to cause a massive fire that keeps the soldiers busy. Still, the Young Allies are confronted by the Nazi commander that is in charge of the area and he is spoiling for revenge. However, he is distracted when Knuckles pretends to defect to the Nazis. This allows the young brawler to get close enough to knock the Nazi out so they can get to their plane and fly away. Returning to Allied headquarters they hand over the information about Mussolini embezzling money from his own paper and this leads to a leaflet campaign over Italy and pretty soon the people begin planning a revolt against Benito Mussolini and their Nazi oppressors. As this happens, Benito Mussolini cowers in his palace waiting for the other shoe to finally drop.

Recurring Characters

Young Allies (Bucky, Toro, Knuckles O’Toole, Jeff Vandergill, Tubby Tinkle, Whitewash Jones), Royal Italian Army (Benito Mussilini), Nazis

Tommy Tyme Battles Attila, the Hun!

In class, Tommy Tyme grows bored about one of his classmates answering questions about Attila the Hun in history class and begins daydreaming about playing baseball. That’s when the teacher begins asking him questions about Attila the Hun as well. Pressed for answers, Tommy secretly activates his Clock of the Ages so he can go back in time to fifth century as see history firsthand.

Arriving in the city of Orleans in the 5th century, Tommy is horrified to see the defeated enemies of Attila the Hun tried to posts. This reminds him of what the Nazis are doing in Europe back in his own time. As he frees the prisoners and fighting off the guards coming to stop him, Tommy Tyme decides to take the fight to this 5th century version of Hitler. Finding Attila’s tent, Tommy prevents the Hun from killing a soothsayer and narrowly evades capture himself.

Deciding that the locals need to be rallied together, Tommy tells the people of Orleans to form an army and fight off Attila the Hun and his forces. Despite a few naysayers, Tommy manages to rally everyone together which includes the Bishop of Orleans. As plans are being made, Tommy also suggests that they ally themselves with neighboring cities in order to increase their numbers. When the battle begins, Tommy Tyme realizes that there is a tactical disadvantage and breaks off from the attack. He then goes to another army led by Thorismond and tells them to use a mountain pass to launch a sneak attack on Attila’s army. The gambit works and soon Attila and his forces are forced back into fleeing.

With the battle over, Tommy uses the Clock of the Ages to return to his own era where he gives a very accurate recitation that pleases his teacher.

Recurring Characters

Tommy Tyme, Attila the Hun

Toward the Land of the Condemned!

The Young Allies pay a visit to Mrs. LaFarge a woman who works at a local bakery who is known for her delicious cakes. They are shocked to find the woman in tears and she tells them that her husband is still in their native France which is currently under Nazi occupation. She then explains that he was helping the resistance by printing illegal newspapers for the rebel cause and was arrested. Now a prisoner in a concentration camp, and is scheduled to be executed in four weeks time.

The Young Allies return to their clubhouse where they decide that they are going to go to France and free Mr. LaFarge. Unable to get there on their own, the team stows away aboard a supply ship headed for England. However, they are quickly discovered and put to work and made to sleep in the storage hold with the cattle being taken overseas. A few days later as they are approaching the English coast, the Young Allies jump ship and swim to a nearby fishing boat. They then tell the British fisherman their plan and he agrees to try and take them across the Channel to the French coast. Along the way they are barred by a Nazi patrol ship. The Young Allies ambush the Nazis and take control of their ship so they can make the rest of their trip across the Channel undetected.

When they arrive on the coast they overhear some guards complaining about how the executioner has the best job and wish they could be the ones executing Mr. LaFarge. The Allies jump the Nazis and learn where the Mr. LaFarge is going to be held. They then storm the executioner’s house and knock him out. Then, the group works to disguise Bucky as the executioner. This ruse helps them get into the concentration camp and get close enough to LaFarge to stage a rescue. By the time the Nazis have realized what is going on, the Young Allies manage to ambush them and escape with the prisoner. Meanwhile, a maid finds the executioner tied up and frees him. He then begins mobilizing his men to capture the Young Allies and the LaFarge. Unfortunately for the young heroes, their get a flat tire and they are forced to split up to make their escape. Worse, LaFarge is recaptured along with Bucky, Jeff, Knuckles and Whitewash Jones and are taken to the executioners mansion where he has specializes instruments of torture.

Thankfully, Toro and Tubby manage to find their friends and launch a surprise attack. In the ensuing battle, the executioner is knocked onto and beheaded by his own guillotine. With the rest of the Nazis defeated, the Young Allies and LaForge manage to flee France and soon they are able to get shipped back to the United States. There, with Captain America, the Young Allies celebrate the LaFarge’s reunion.

Recurring Characters

Young Allies (Bucky, Toro, Knuckles O’Toole, Jeff Vandergill, Tubby Tinkle, Whitewash Jones), Nazis, Captain America

Young Allies Comics #8

Young Allies Comics #8

Young Allies Comics #10

Young Allies Comics #10