
Nick Peron

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Young Avengers Special #1

Young Avengers Special #1

At the offices of the Daily Bugle, Jessica Jones is arranging for her boyfriend Luke Cage to pick her up from work when she is approached by her co-worker Kate Farrell. There hasn’t been any news about the Young Avengers except rumors that the Patriot was using Mutant Growth Hormone and fought Captain America and she wants to know if they have been forced to disband or not.[1] Jessica tells Kate to stay away from the kids, but she says that she won’t unless Jessica brings them to her.

Jessica decides to prevent this from happening by meeting with each of the Young Avengers and has them tell a bit about why they chose to do what they do. She starts with Cassie Lang.

She tells Jessica that it happened on a day shortly after the death of her father, Scott Lang, aka Ant-Man.[2] At the time, Cassie was told that her father died in an accident and she had been trying to get a meeting with Tony Stark to learn the truth. When she got no answer, she skipped school to show up at Stark Tower and demanded answers and was willing to in the lobby until Tony could see her.[3] That’s when her mother Peggy and her step-father Blake Burdick showed up to make her go to school. Cassie pleads with her mother to let her speak with Stark, especially when the receptionist tells her that Mr. Stark was coming down to see her. Blake takes a sterner approach and takes it too far when he calls Cassie’s father a crook. This angers Cassie and she shoves her step-father, saying that her dad paid his debt to society and became a hero. She then questions why Blake isn’t out catching crooks instead of hassling 14 year old girls.[4] That’s when her mother slapped Cassie across the face and told her not to speak to Blake that way. Deeply hurt by this, Cassie stormed out of Stark Tower telling her mother that she promises not to talk to Blake ever again. Later that evening, Cassie decided to run away from home, and that led to her faithful encounter with the Young Avengers and becoming Stature.[5]

After hearing the story, she and Jessica leave the diner they were eating at. Jessica then asks where Cassie was thinking of running off. Cassie originally planned to go to Los Angeles and try to join up with the Runaways, another team of super-powered youths she heard about.[6] However, while she found a family in the Young Avengers the team’s future is uncertain with the departures of both Iron Lad and Patriot.[7] Still, Cassie plans on going on even if they don’t saying that being the daughter of Ant-Man meant never having a normal life and moreover she doesn’t want one anyway. She figures that Jessica feels the same way as well.

Jessica then meets with Teddy Altman and Billy Kaplan in the park. Teddy says that nobody is normal, all you could ever be average or typical and that teens are under constant pressure to be whatever “normal” is. For a long time, Teddy wanted to be normal as well. Teddy longed to be part of the popular crowd and after discovering his shape-shifting powers he used them to appear more muscular and this landed him on the high school basketball team. He befriended Greg Norris, the team captain to the point where he revealed his secret powers to him. Norris was suitable impressed and the two got their kicks by having Teddy impersonate the likes of Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four, the Hulk, and Tony Stark.

However, on the day that Iron Man announced that the Avengers were disbanding, Greg suggested they head down to the ruins of Avengers Mansion.[8] Disguised as Tony Stark, Teddy managed to get them onto the property. When Teddy used his super-strength to lift a damaged Quinjet out of the way, Greg became suspicious about what else Altman was hiding from him. Inside, they come across a portrait of Rick Jones with Captain Marvel, Teddy is in awe since Rick was about his age when he first formed the Avengers.[9] Greg wanted to steal the portrait since it could be sold for a lot of money. Thinking this was wrong, Teddy threatened to rat Greg out. Norris called his bluff, but drops all the stuff he wanted to steal and ran off. As Teddy went about putting things back where they found them he was approached by Iron Lad, who taught him how to be a hero.

For Billy, he had no problem being different it was other people who had the problem. He remembers that before the fall of the Avengers he got beat up by a bully named John Kesler outside of Avengers Mansion. While he sat on the curb he was approached by his favorite hero, the Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff). She gave him a pep talk, telling him that everyone has a special gift and that to deal with his bully he needs to stand his ground and for Billy to show him that he is not afraid. She ended her speech by saying that if Billy is himself, nobody can touch him. He points to his bruised and bloody face and says that appearances tell another story. That’s when Wanda used her hex powers to heal his face.

A few days later, at school, Billy decided to take Wanda’s advice and stood up to Kesler when he tried bullying him again. This time, Billy stood his ground and when John threw a punch he blocked it. That’s when Billy’s powers first manifested, and he unleashed a jolt of lightning that almost killed his bully. Billy was horrified and went back to Avengers Mansion in the hopes he could talk to Wanda again. However, by this point the mansion was in ruins and the Avengers had disbanded. That’s when he was approached by Iron Lad and recruited into the Young Avengers, giving him new meaning and purpose.

After hearing their stories, Jessica asks Billy and Teddy if they would want to tell their story to Kate Farrell. She remarks that they both have it together a lot more than she did at 16 years old.[10] Billy and Teddy decide to go for it, joking that Northstar shouldn’t have all the fun.[11]

Jones then meets with Kate Bishop outside of Rockefeller Plaza to ask her what motivated her becoming a Young Avenger. Kate contrasts her herself with her sister, whose wedding she was attending on the night she was held hostage and rescued by the team. Her sister was only interested in spending their father’s money following the death of their mother a year earlier. Susan Bishop wanted to have an expensive wedding at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Something Kate didn’t understand because she could have gotten married at city hall and had the money spend on the wedding donated to charity. Still, Susan supported Kate’s desire to help the underprivileged and that she would support her younger sister if she worked in a soup kitchen her entire life. One day Kate’s life changed when she was walking alone in the park. There she was attacked and sexually assaulted by a man. After being victimized she started attending therapy and training in self-defense. She could have let what happened destroy her, but instead she learned from the experience to make sure something like that doesn’t happen to her or anyone else ever again.

Jessica can relate to Kate’s story, saying something similar happened to her and that is why she quit being a superhero.[12] Kate asks if this means she should quit, but Jessica says that is up to her. When Bishop rephrases the question, asking if she will feel the same way if her unborn child turns out to have superpowers what would she do. Jessica says that she would be against it, but expects her child to do it anyway and she hopes that if she is anything like Kate, she’ll consider herself lucky.[13]

Her last visit is with Eli Bradley outside the New York Public Library, where she asks him about the rumors of his falling out with Captain America and use of MGH on top of why he wanted to be a Young Avenger. He tells her that he did so out of shame. It started one day when he went out grocery shopping with his relative Isaiah Bradley, who is popularly known as the Black Captain America.[14] They ended up running into some local drug dealers who then started hassling them. Things got tense when one of the thugs smashes a bottle over Isaiah’s head. Angered by this senseless attack, Eli picked up the broken bottle and threatened to fight back. Isaiah, on the other hands, calmly picked up his groceries and walked back home, seeing no sense in fighting. The dealers than offer to sell Eli Mutant Growth Hormone, and seeing an opportunity to be strong he bought them.

That night, he looked on the internet for proof that Isaiah was the Black Captain America during World War II. However, there is no conclusive evidence to be found online. When he asked Faith, Isaiah’s wife, about it, she insisted it was true. She says that Isaiah dedicated himself to serving his country and has nothing to prove to anybody, let alone Eli. This shamed the boy and he went out to play football with Isaiah the next day in the park. They were hassled again by the punks from the day before. However, this time when they chose to beat up Eli, Isaiah stepped in an cleaned their clocks. The display convinced Eli that what was said about Isaiah was true and he suddenly wanted to be just like him. With the MGH in his back pocket, he thought he could make that dream come true.

When he finishes his story, Jessica tells Eli that everyone makes mistakes and what is important is learning from them. Eli asks if she will have the same attitude with her child when they are born. Jessica figures that both she and her child will be making mistakes together since being a mother is not something that comes naturally. Seeing how Jessica has met with and talked to the Young Avengers, Eli tells her that she could have fooled him.

The following day, when Jessica is being picked up by her boyfriend, Luke Cage, the Young Avengers show up in costume to do their interview with Kat Farrell. Luke is surprised Jessica didn’t talk them out of being heroes. Jessica says that after talking to them all about their experiences she was inspired so much she kind of wants to be a Young Avenger. She says that after all of their experiences in life, there is nothing they can’t handle. Little do they know that this scene is being observed in the distant future by Nathaniel Richards, formally Iron Lad, as he settles into his destiny of becoming Kang the Conqueror.[15]

Recurring Characters

Young Avengers (Patriot, Hulkling, Wiccan, Stature, Kate Bishop), Jessica Jones, Kate Farrell, Luke Cage, (in flashback) Peggy Burdick, Blake Burdick, Susan Bishop, Isaiah Bradley, Faith Bradley, Scarlet Witch, Iron Lad

Continuity Notes

  1. Farrell has been covering the Young Avengers since they first appeared in Young Avengers #1. She is referring to the events of Young Avengers #7-8 when the team learned that Eli was doing MGH to give himself powers.

  2. At the time of this story, everyone believes that Scott was one of the first to die during the Scarlet Witch’s attack on the Avengers in Avengers #500. Cassie was told that he died in an accident and won’t be told the truth until Young Avengers #3. In reality, Scott was plucked out of and brought forward in time by the future Young Avengers as we’ll see in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #6.

  3. On display in the lobby of Stark Tower are multiple suits of Iron Man armor. They include:

    • The first suit Tony ever built and its gold variant, first seen in Tales of Suspense #39 and 40 respectively.

    • His first suit of red and gold armor that he created in Tales of Suspense #48.

    • Iron Man’s most iconic suit of “vintage” armor (model 4) which debuted in Iron Man #85.

    • Tony’s first suit of space armor which was built in Iron Man #142.

    • The first suit of stealth armor developed by Tony in Iron Man #152.

    • The “Silver Centurion” armor that first appeared in Iron Man #200.

    • Lastly his deep sea “Hydro Armor” that was first used in Iron Man #218.

  4. Some facts about Cassie’s parental situation: Her father was convicted of theft and served time in prison. His becoming Ant-Man was how he redeemed himself. At the time he took on this identity Scott had joint custody of Cassie, who was 9 years old at the time as seen in Marvel Premiere #47. Peggy got full custody of her daughter and married Blake Burdick in Avengers (vol. 3) #62. Cassie stating that she is 14 here matches up with the Sliding Timescale.

  5. Cassie meeting and becoming a Young Avenger was detailed in Young Avengers #1-6.

  6. The Runaways were a team of youths that were the offspring of a criminal organization called the Gibborium. They had recently formed just prior to the debut of the Young Avengers in Runaways #1-6.

  7. Iron Lad formed the Young Avengers in issue #1 to stop his future self Kang the Conqueror. Unfortunately, he was forced to return to the future and follow his destiny because doing otherwise would negatively impact the timeline as seen in issue #6.

  8. The mansion was heavily damaged during the Scarlet Witch’s attack in Avengers #500-503. Tony decided to disband the Avengers in Avengers: Finale #1.

  9. Rick Jones did indeed form the Avengers back in Avengers #1. He was also a close ally of Captain Marvel starting in Captain Marvel #17 until the hero’s death in Marvel Graphic Novel #1. This here is a subtle clue that Teddy is the son of Mar-Vell, as will be revealed in Young Avengers #11.

  10. Here it is stated that both Billy and Teddy are 16 years old. However this doesn’t track since Teddy was conceived between behind the scenes in Avengers #92 and Billy was born in Vision and the Scarlet Witch (vol. 2) #12. Which does not line up when you compare it to the Sliding Timescale. See below.

  11. “What should Northstar have all the fun” is a reference to the fact that, at the time, Northstar was one of the most visible gay superheroes. While it was heavily implied that Northstar was gay in Alpha Flight #7, he didn’t actually come out until issue #106 of that series.

  12. Jessica was once forced to be a slave to the Purple Man for months as detailed in Alias #24-28. This was early in her career as Jewel and the trauma from of the assault and abuse (not to mention being forced to fight the Avengers and Defenders) made her quit being a superhero pretty much ever since.

  13. Per Alias #28, Jessica is pregnant with a child she conceived with Luke Cage at the time of this story. She will give birth to her daughter Dani in The Pulse #14. As of this writing (May, 2024) Dani has yet to manifest any superhuman abilities.

  14. Isaiah Bradley was part of the government program that tried to recreate the Super Soldier Serum that created Captain America (Steve Rogers) circa 1942. The process worked on him, however over the years it contributed to a steep mental decline as told in Truth: Red, White & Black #1-7. In this story Isaiah is referred to as Eli’s grandfather, which has become difficult to explain over time and an official explanation (as of this writing in May, 2024) has yet to be provided. I have posited a theory on how he could be still alive and in the index entry for issue #3.

  15. Luke mentions how the Young Avengers killed Kang. This happened in Young Avengers #6. However, the death happened in an altered timeline that was becoming reality as long as Iron Lad remained in the past. Once he returned to the future and history was restored to normal, Kang’s death was undone as well. We’ll see him again in Guardians of the Galaxy (vol. 2) #19.

Topical References

  • In Billy’s flashback he is wearing a t-shirt for dalitnetwork.org a human rights and charity foundation that primarily focuses on providing aid to children in India. They have since rebranded to the Digital Freedom Network. This should be considered a topical reference as this is a real world organization.

  • One of the thugs who beats up Isaiah Bradley calls him a retard. While this was a common term to refer to someone with an extreme cognitive disability it has since been co-opted as a disparaging term and is no longer used as a clinical definition. That said, since this is a drug dealer causing trouble, he probably wouldn’t have any compunctions about throwing this term around.

How Old are Billy Kaplan and Teddy Altman?

In this issue, we learn that Billy and Teddy are 16 years old. However, given when they were conceived and born, this does not line up with the Sliding Timescale.

Per Young Avengers #11, Teddy was conceived in Avengers #92. Assuming that Skrulls have a similar pregnancy cycle, that would mean that Teddy was born sometime in “Year Four” of the Modern Age. Young Avengers Special takes place sometime in “Year 12”. That should make Teddy about 8 years old.

Meanwhile, Billy was born in Vision and the Scarlet Witch (vol. 2) #12, much later that Teddy at “Year Six” of the Modern Age. This would make Billy about six years old in this issue.

As of this writing (May, 2024) Marvel has not provided an official explanation for these glaring discrepancies.

In the case of Teddy, since he is half Skrull and half Kree, it would be reasonable to assume that perhaps they grow to maturity faster than a human being does. While he may be about 8 years old, he is physically and mentally 16 in human terms.

As for Billy, as we learn in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #6, he is indeed one of the Scarlet Witch’s children. When he was seemingly killed by Master Pandemonium in Avengers West Coast #52, Billy Maximoff was reincarnated as Billy Kaplan. Since Wanda’s pregnancy and children were the product of magic (per Vision and the Scarlet Witch (vol. 2) #3), then a logical explanation could be that Billy’s reincarnation didn’t happen in linear time. Rather than being born after his death as Billy Maximoff, Billy Kaplan was born before. That the magic involved in resurrecting him sent his soul into the past. This could easily explain how Billy can be 16 years old at the time of this story.

Young Avengers #8

Young Avengers #8

Young Avengers #9

Young Avengers #9