
Nick Peron

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New Thunderbolts #7

New Thunderbolts #7

Modern Marvels

After New York City from both Fathom Five and Hydra, the Thunderbolts have become instant celebrities. Capitalizing on this situation, reporter Brie Larmer films an Action News Network special where she discusses the Thunderbolts with two experts. The first is writer Dennis Schoolcraft author of “Shadows, the Dark Side of the Marvels”,[1] as well as former criminal Seth Volker, aka Sidewinder.[2]

(What follows are passages from Dennis Schoolcraft’s book in between the events of this issue. For the sake of clarity summarization of these passages will be in italics)

Three members of the Thunderbolts, Mach-IV (Abner Jenkins), Songbird (Melissa Gold), and Atlas (Erik Josten), are founding members of the group. Originally criminals who were part of Baron Zemo’s Masters of Evil. They became the Thunderbolts during a period when the Avengers were missing as part of a plot to take over the world.[3] While the trio have proben to become heroes, it is openly wondered if they will succeed in helping their newest members of the team reform or if they’ll be met with failure.

At Thunderbolts headquarters in Brooklyn, Songbird observes as Radioactive Man (Chen Lu) examines Photon (Genis-Vell). Genis has undergone a strange transformation that has changed his entire body.[4] He doesn’t know what he has become or what the full range of his powers are. Chen unfortunately, won’t be able to answer these questions until after he has a meeting with his superiors at the Chinese consulate. Melissa is joined by Atlas, who has come to check up and see if Genis remembers what happened to him. Since she is unable to speak because her vocal cords were damaged so she has to write down her responses.[5] She then asks where Abner is, and is told that he is down in the lab working on fixing his Mach-IV suit.[6] Before she goes both she and Atlas see that Joystick is appearing on the local news.

Not much that is known about the life of Joystick (Janice Yanizeski) before becoming a costumed criminal. Her family moved around a lot. As a young adult, Janice obtained a scholarship at the University of Arizona. Something happened in her life changed and she became a huge risk taker. This was when she racked up huge gambling debts, estranged herself from her family, and then disappeared for three years. When she resurfaced she was Joystick and a member of the Great Game, fighting other superhumans for kicks, leading to clashes with Spider-Man. He observes that the only person Janice refuses to examine herself and wonders what will happen when the Thunderbolts can no longer fulfill he desire for risk taking.[7]

Joystick interrupts the morning weather report and engages in an impromptu interview with the weather man. Janice tells him that the Thunderbolts will take on any threat that might come their way, boasting that they could take on the likes of the Red Skull, Doctor Doom, and even Galactus. She then kisses the weatherman on the forehead before bounding off as quickly as she arrived.

The original Blizzard, George Shapanka, was a ruthless criminal driven by jealousy and revenge. By contrast, Donny Gill, Shapanka’s successor was merely a obedient foot soldier of criminal industrialist Justin Hammer. Gill’s was motivated by the need of a pay cheque. Unskilled and somewhat unintelligent, there are questions as to why he continues his career, or why he joined the Thunderbolts.[8]

Donny Gill and his teammate James Saunder (aka Speed Demon) are heading to local dive bar. James has arranged a meeting with Herman Schultz, who is better known as the Shocker. As it turns out, Herman has come up with an idea for a heist that will require James’ talents. Donny is shocked to hear James talking about committing a crime and warns him what might happen if Abner finds out. Herman further entices James by saying they could net themselves millions of dollars.

James Sanders was a highly qualified chemist when he was approached by the cosmic entity known as the Grandmaster. He was given super-speed powers and became the Whizzer and a member of the Squadron Sinister. Along side Hyperion, Doctor Spectrum, and Nighthawk, they fought the Avengers. The group only fought alongside each other a few more times before things fell apart. Sanders reinvented himself as the Speed Demon, but frequently defeated time and again. There are also questions as to why he joined up with the Thunderbolts as well.[9]

Back in the news room, the discussion of the Thunderbolts continues. The guests talk about how the New York Police Commissioner has been working with the Department of Homeland Security about how to classify the Thunderbolts given their criminal pasts. Volker notes that regardless of their designation, he doesn’t believe that most members of the team will care overly that much.

Back at Thunderbolts headquarters, Abner Jenkins is still working on repairing his Mach-IV armor. That’s when Melissa comes in an confronts him about how he was taking money from Baron Strucker and Hydra to fund the Thunderbolts. Abner tries to justify taking Hydra’s money, as he always planned to break free from their influence once the new team got on its feet. They stopped Hydra in the end anyway. However, he is concerned about their future as the team will be completely broke in another two months. Melissa doesn’t care, because taking Strucker’s blood money was wrong. She then storms out of the room.

On TV, the special on the Thunderbolts take it to interviews with people on the street to get the opinions of the average person. All the people that are interviewed have something positive to say about the Thunderbolts.[11] Watching all this is Zebadiah Killgrave, aka the Purple Man, and he is pleased to see that the Thunderbolts have reached maximum exposure, making them ripe for defeat. He checks in on the new Swordsman, who is binding some leaver to the hilt of his sword. He is ready for the next phase of the plan, which pleases Killgrave who says that there will soon be an opening on the team.[12]

Photon, aka Genis-Vell, is the son of the legendary Captain Marvel. Created to be a hero like his father, Genis began calling himself Legacy at first. He later began calling himself Captain Marvel. However his Cosmic Consciousness drove him mad. Although he had overcome this madness, the damage has been done. Reborn as Photon, he now attempts to make amends and live up to his father’s example.[13]

At Thunderbolts HQ, Atlas pays a visit to Photon to ask him if he remembers anything that happened before his death. Erik is unaware that Melissa is secretly listening in to their conversation. Genis confirms he has no memory of what happened, which is odd since his Cosmic Consciousness allows him to know everything.

The Radioactive Man (Chen Lu) gained his powers early on during the so-called Age of Marvels. During his career he fought against Thor and Iron Man and was a member of the original Masters of Evil and the Lethal Legion. However, while most people view him as a villain, he is considered a great hero back home in China. He joined up with the Thunderbolts in order to avenge the deaths of his countrymen at the hands of Fathoms Five. Now that this quest is over, it remains to be seen what he will do next.[14]

At that moment, Radioactive Man arrives at the Chines Consulate to discuss returning home. However, his government handlers have decided that Chen should remain in America and with the Thunderbolts as it would best serve the interests of their homeland for the time being. Chen is unhappy about this, but they agree to bring Senpei Ling to America so he can meet with her whenever he wishes.[15]

It just so happens that the Radioactive Man is also being discussed on the Action News program. To comment on Chen Lu’s status in the United States, they speak with the Secretary of State. She explains that the government has been in negotiations with Chinese officials and have granted Lu a temporary Visa while he is in the United States. However, the government will be observing the Radioactive Man at all times to ensure that he stays in line. As the report concludes, both Volker and Schoolcroft agree that regardless of how they view the Thunderbolts, in the end their desire to remain heroes will all boil down to how they view themselves.

Meanwhile, Songbird is packing her bags. As she makes her way out, Donny Gill tries to talk to her about what he knows but decides against it. She comes upon Joystick and Photon training and flirting with one another. Atlas sees this and says Photon really is a jerk. Melissa then goes to see Abe one more time. She tells him that she’s leaving and that their relationship is over. This because there is something deeply wrong with the Thunderbolts and things between them can never be right again.

Recurring Characters

Thunderbolts (Mach-IV, Songbird, Atlas, Photon, Speed Demon, Joystick, Radioactive Man, Blizzard), Purple Man, Swordsman, Brie Larmer, Dennis Schoolcroft, Seth Volker, Shocker

Continuity Notes

  1. We last saw Schoolcraft commentating on the Thunderbolts back in Thunderbolts #20 and 24. Here he points readers to check out his blog at http://www.marvel.com/thunderblog. This was indeed a legitimate website address on Marvel.com, however the pages that were created to complimented this issue have long been taken down. Luckily, Archive.org’s Wayback Machine archived the pages and you can read them here. Or scroll down to the bottm, as I made screen captures.

  2. Volker’s criminal career as Sidewinder began in Marvel Two-In-One #64. However, he has been reformed and retired since Captain America Annual #10. However, is retirement would prove short-lived as he will be back in the saddle again in Villains for Hire #0.1.

  3. Baron Zemo’s Masters of Evil were first formed Avengers #273. Their plot to become the Thunderbolts came when the Avengers and Fantastic Four were seemingly killed in Onslaught: Marvel Universe #1. The Thunderbolts were first seen in Incredible Hulk #449. Their scheme was detailed in Thunderbolts #1. Earth’s heroes returned in Heroes Reborn: The Return #1-4, and the Thunderbolts were outted in Thunderbolts #10-12. However, by this point its members (sans Zemo) decided to legitimately become heroes.

  4. Genis-Vell was thrown out to see where he apparently drowned in New Thunderbolts #1. He however encased himself in a cocoon and underwent a transformation as seen in issue #4. He was fully reborn last issue.

  5. Songbird seriously injured her vocal chords in New Thunderbolts #3 when she overtaxed her sonic powers keeping the United Nations Building from collapsing. She injured them further last issue, using her powers before she could fully heal.

  6. The Mach-IV suit was damaged during that same incident at the United Nations in issue #3.

  7. The gaps in Joystick’s backstory are explored in detail in Thunderbolts #102. Her previous exploits with the Great Game were documented in Amazing Scarlet Spider #2, Green Goblin #3, Amazing Spider-Man #409 and Spider-Man Unlimited #14. She joined up with the team in New Thunderbolts #3.

  8. George Shapanka began his career back in Tales of Suspense #45, he died in Amazing Spider-Man Annual #20. Donny Gill would take on the identity in Iron Man #223.

  9. There are some deep cuts about the Squadron Sinister mentioned here. They are….

    • How the group was formed to battle the Avengers in a cosmic competition. That was in Avengers #69-71.

    • It is mentioned how the Squadron Sinister were based on the Squadron Supreme, heroes from an alternate dimension. The Squadron Supreme wre first seen in Avengers #85. Per Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 #1, they exist in Reality-712.

    • It is mentioned here that the Squadron Supreme recently fought alongside the Avengers. This was in Avengers (vol. 3) #5-6 and Annual 1998.

    • It is stated here that Hyperion was killed. He fought his Earth-712 to counterpart to the death in Squadron Supreme #8.

    • Doctor Spectrum’s Power Prism is also stated as being destroyed. That happened in Avengers Annual #8.

    • It also mentions how Nighthawk reformed and became a member of the Defenders. That was in Defenders #14.

    • Sanders reinvented himself as the Speed Demon in Amazing Spider-Man #222.

  10. Indeed, this current Thunderbolts team was funded by Baron Strucker, as we saw in New Thunderbolts #1. Melissa learned about this last issue.

  11. One of the people interviewed asks where the Avengers and the Fantastic Four were when the Thunderbolts saved the city. At the time of this story, the Avengers had disbanded following the events of Avengers #500-503. A new incarnation of the team will be formed in New Avengers #1-5. The Fantastic Four, meanwhile, were away trying to save Wolverine from Hydra as seen in Wolverine (vol. 3) #22 and New Invaders #8.

  12. The identity of the Swordsman is not given and his face is obscured here. The significance of the leather he is binding to his sword is also not explained. He is revealed to be Andreas Von Strucker in New Thunderbolts #17. The leather is actually tanned skin taken from his sister after her death in Citizen V and the V-Battalion #3. She will remain among the deceased until she is returned to life in Illuminati #2.

  13. We get quite the exposition dump about Genis-Vell as well. The details:

    • His father, Mar-Vell, died of cancer years before Genis was even born, as seen in Marvel Graphic Novel #1.

    • Genis was created using his father’s DNA via artificial insemination. This and his becoming Legacy was taken in Silver Surfer Annual #6.

    • Genis started going by Captain Marvel after he was bonded to Rick Jones in Avengers Forever #12.

    • Genis was slowly being driven insane by his powers starting in Captain Marvel (vol. 5) #1. He was eventually cured in issue #25 of that series.

    • His recent rebirth occurred over the course of New Thunderbolts #1 to 6.

  14. And now we get a exposition dump on Chen Lu. The deets:

    • He first got his powers in Journey into Mystery #93, which is also when he first fought Thor.

    • He joined up with the original Masters of Evil in Avengers #6.

    • He had his first solo battle with Iron Man in Iron Man #73-74.

    • Although it is stated here that Radioactive Man was a member of the Lethal Legion, which is actually not the case, at least at the time this story was published.

    • Chen Lu joined the team in New Thunderbolts #3.

  15. Sinpei Ling is the Radioactive Man’s lover. We’ll see her in New Thunderbolts #7.

Topical References

  • Joystick is depicted as appearing on The Today Show a morning news program morning television news program that has been airing on NBC since 1952. She is being interviewed by Today personality, Al Roker. This should be considered a topical reference as this is a real world program and individual.

  • When Joystick says that the Thunderbolts ould take on Galactus, Atlas quips that he hopes that Galactus is watching Good Morning America, which is a competing morning news show that airs on ABC since 1975. This is another topical for the same reason that the references to The Today Show are topical.

  • When Donny Gill realizes that they are talking to the Shocker, Herman sarcastically tells him to say it louder so the cops in the Starbucks across the street can hear. Starbucks is a chain of coffee shops that exist in the real world. Their reference here should be considered topical.

  • The Shocker says the heist would be worth 5 million dollars. Adjusting for inflation this would be equivalent to roughly 7.8 million in 2023 money.

  • The Secretary of State is depicted as Condoleezza Rice, who held the role from 2005 to 2009. As such, her appearance here should be considered topical as she no longer holds this position.

Thunderblog Pages

New Thunderbolts #6

New Thunderbolts #6

New Thunderbolts #8

New Thunderbolts #8